Livelihood Security through Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative (SSI)

Livelihood Security through Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative (SSI)

NIRMAN  has  collaborated  with  ICRISAT-WWF  to  increase the productivity of sugarcane through an innovative sugarcane farming method i.e. ‘Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative’ (SSI) since 2009. This new practice increases the sugar content in the cane, requires organic inputs, and consumes 75% less seed and 40-60% less water.

The  adoption  of  SSI  by  sugarcane  farmers  has  led  to  the increase  in  yields  by  nearly 25%,  and substantial  reduction in input costs as well as vulnerability due to lesser use of seeds, water,  labour  and  fertilizers.  SSI  has  been  successfully  up-scaled from Nayagarh to Ganjam and Bargarh districts with the  support  of  ICRISAT-WWF  and  Ag  SRI. Farmers’  net average income in SSI is Rs. 56375 per acre which has 47% higher return over traditional sugarcane farming.

Our Vision is promoting equitable

Nirman focuses on restoring the ecosystems with rich biodiversity and has specific intervention in agriculture, natural resource management and governance. The organization is concerned with issues relating to the negative impact of climatic variations and current development paradigm that has endangered the natural resources and traditional knowledge base. Thus, it yearns to have sovereignty over the seed, the soil, the land, water, the indigenous knowledge system and strives to achieve sustainable use of natural resources and democratize its governance pattern.